Sabtu, 08 Desember 2007


Futsal is an indoor version of football (soccer). Its name is derived from the Portuguese futebol de salão and the Spanish fútbol sala/de salón, which can be translated as 'indoor football'.

Futsal is played between two teams of five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. In addition each team may have a number of substitutes. Unlike some other forms of indoor football, the field is delimited by lines, and not nets or boards that players can use to redirect the ball. Futsal as it is called in many countries is played with a #3 or #4 ball, which is slightly heavier and smaller than the #5 ball used in football.

Other forms of indoor football games, which are played by somewhat different rules, exist and may be referred to as indoor football, five-a-side football or indoor soccer. Those games predate the formulation of official (FIFA) rules of futsal. In England, the Portuguese term futebol de salão is used to describe a slightly different sport.

History of futsal

The development of Salón Futbol or Futebol de Salão now called in many countries futsal can be traced back to 1930 in Montevideo, Uruguay, the same year the inaugural World Cup was held in the country. This early form of futbol Sala (futsal) was developed by Juan Carlos Ceriani to be played at YMCAs. Ceriani's game was designed for five players per team, and could be played indoors or outdoors. At around the same time, a similar form of football played on basketball courts was being developed in São Paulo, Brazil. These new forms of football were quickly adopted throughout South America. The Brazilian Confederation of Sport instituted its first official rules for futebol de salão in 1958.

The international governing body FIFUSA (Federación Internacional de Fútbol de Salón, International Futsal Federation) was created in 1971 to administer the game, and held its first futsal world championship in São Paulo in 1982. Due to an apparent dispute with FIFA over the administration of fútbol, FIFUSA coined the word fut-sal in 1985, while the United States Futsal Federation coined the name "Futsal" the same year.

FIFA soon began to administer its own indoor soccer games, creating its own version of the rules and hosting its first FIFA Indoor Soccer World Championship in 1989 in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in 1992 it was the FIFA Five-a-Side World Championship (Hong Kong) and since 1996 it has been called the FIFA Futsal World Championship (Guatemala). One of the most remarkable changes was the reduction of the ball weight and increase in ball size (from a handball size to a football size 4), which enabled faster play and, for the first time, scoring goals with the head (though this is still difficult and uncommon).

In 2002, members of PANAFUTSAL (La Confederación Panamericana de Futsal, The Pan-American Futsal Confederation) formed AMF (Asociación Mundial de Fútbol de Salón, World Futsal Association), an international futsal governing body independent of FIFA. Both FIFA and AMF continue to administer the game.

Some professional players start out with futsal to build fundamental skills. Brazilian players Ronaldinho, Robinho, Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Juninho and many more started out playing futsal. In Brazil, the majority of children start out with Futsal rather than association football since it requires less space and many schools in the country do not have a field to play traditional association football. There are also some notable players like Falcão who continue to play futsal at the club level.

As international governing bodies of futsal, FIFA and AMF are responsible for maintaining and promulgating the official rules of their respective versions of futsal. Like football, futsal has 'laws' that define all aspects of the game, including what may be changed to suit local competitions and leagues.
FIFA Futsal Laws of the Game
AMF Futsal Rules of the Game (in English and Spanish)
Key Differences between Futsal and UK-style Five-a-side football


In our looks-obsessed society, lots of people think that being overweight is an appearance issue. But being overweight is actually a medical concern because it can seriously affect a person's health.

The health problems that stem from being overweight go way beyond the ones we usually hear about, like diabetes and heart disease. Being overweight can also affect a person's joints, breathing, sleep, mood, and energy levels. So being overweight can impact a person's entire quality of life.
Defining Overweight

When people eat more calories than they burn off, their bodies store the extra calories as fat.

A couple of pounds of extra body fat are not a health risk for most people. But when people keep up a pattern of eating more calories than they burn, more and more fat builds up in their bodies.

Eventually, the body gets to a point where the amount of body fat can have a negative effect on a person's health. Doctors use the terms "overweight" or "obese" to describe when someone is at greatest risk of developing weight-related health problems.

As you've probably heard, more people are overweight today than ever before. Experts are calling this an "obesity epidemic." This health problem affects young people as well as adults — one third of all kids between the ages of 2 and 19 are overweight or obese. So younger people are now developing health problems that used to affect only adults, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.
Why Do People Become Overweight?

Obesity tends to run in families. Some people have a genetic tendency to gain weight more easily than others because they burn calories more slowly. During times when food was scarce, this was a real advantage. But now that food is available 24/7 in most industrialized countries, an efficient metabolism that once ensured our survival now works to our disadvantage.

Although genes strongly influence body type and size, the environment also plays a role. People today may be gaining weight because of unhealthy food choices (like fast food) and family habits (like eating in front of the television instead of around a table). High-calorie, low-nutrient snacks and beverages, bigger portions of food, and less-active lifestyles are all contributing to the obesity epidemic.

Sometimes people turn to food for emotional reasons, such as when they feel upset, anxious, sad, stressed out, or even bored. When this happens, they often eat more than they need.
Measuring Weight

Figuring out if a teen is overweight can be more complicated than it is for adults. That's because teens are still growing and developing.

Doctors and other health care professionals often use a measurement called body mass index (BMI) to determine if someone is overweight.

Doctors consider a teen obese when his or her BMI number is higher than the BMI numbers of 95% of other teens the same age and gender. Someone whose BMI number is between 85% and 95% of the BMIs of other teens the same age and gender is overweight.
Health Problems of Being Overweight

Obesity is bad news for both body and mind. Not only can it make a person feel tired and uncomfortable, carrying extra weight puts added stress on the body, especially the bones and joints of the legs. As they get older, kids and teens who are overweight are more likely to develop diabetes and heart disease.

The health problems that affect overweight teens include:
  • Blount's disease. Excess weight on growing bones can lead to this bone deformity of the lower legs.
  • Arthritis. Wear and tear on the joints from carrying extra weight can cause this painful joint problem at a young age.
  • Slipped capital femoral epiphyses (SCFE). Obese children and teens are at greater risk for this painful hip problem. SCFE requires immediate attention and surgery to prevent further damage to the joint.
  • Asthma. Obesity is associated with breathing problems that can make it harder to keep up with friends, play sports, or just walk from class to class.
  • Sleep apnea. This condition (where a person temporarily stops breathing during sleep) is a serious problem for many overweight kids and adults. Not only does it interrupt sleep, sleep apnea can leave people feeling tired and affect their ability to concentrate and learn. It also may lead to heart problems.
  • High blood pressure. When blood pressure is high, the heart must pump harder and the arteries must carry blood that's moving under greater pressure. If the problem continues for a long time, the heart and arteries may no longer work as well as they should. Although rare in most teens, high blood pressure, or hypertension, is more common in overweight or obese teens.
  • High cholesterol. Long before getting sick, obese teens may have abnormal blood lipid levels, including high cholesterol, low HDL ("good") cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels. These increase the risk of heart attack and stroke when a person gets older.
  • Gallstones. An accumulation of bile that hardens in the gallbladder forms gallstones. These may be painful and require surgery.
  • Fatty liver. When fat accumulates in the liver, it can cause inflammation, scarring, and permanent liver damage.
  • Pseudotumor cerebri. This is a rare cause of severe headaches in obese teens and adults. There is no tumor, but pressure builds in the brain. In addition to headaches, symptoms may include vomiting, an unsteady way of walking, and vision problems that may become permanent if not treated.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Girls who are overweight may miss periods — or not get their periods at all — and may have elevated testosterone (the male hormone) levels in the blood. Although it is normal for girls to have some testosterone in their blood, too much can interfere with normal ovulation and may cause excess hair growth, worsening acne, and male-type baldness. PCOS is associated with insulin resistance, a precursor to developing type 2 diabetes. Women who are overweight also might have fertility problems.
  • Insulin resistance and diabetes. When there is excess body fat, insulin is less effective at getting glucose, the body's main source of energy, into cells. More insulin becomes needed to maintain a normal blood sugar. For some overweight teens, insulin resistance may progress to diabetes (high blood sugar).
  • Depression. People who are obese are more likely to be depressed and have lower self-esteem.

Luckily, it's never too late to make changes that can effectively control weight and the health problems it causes. Those changes don't have to be big. For a start, make a plan to cut back on sugary beverages, pass up on seconds, and get more exercise, even if it's just 5–10 minutes a day. Build your way up to big changes by making a series of small ones. And don't be afraid to ask for help!

Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: April 2007

Seuntai Do'a

Ketika kumohon kepada Allah kekuatan
Allah memberiku kesulitan agar aku menjadi kuat

Ketika kumohon kepada Allah kebijaksanaan
Allah memberiku masalah untuk di pecahkan

Ketika kumohon kepada Allah kesejahteraan
Allah memberiku akal untuk berfikir

Ketika kumohon kepada Allah keberanian
Allah memberiku bahaya untuk kuatasi

Ketika kumohon Allah sebuah cinta
Allah memberiku orang orang bermasalah untuk ku tolong

Ketika ku mohon kepada Allah bantuan
Allah memberikanku kesempatan

Aku tak pernah menerima apa yang kupinta,
tetapi aku menerima segala yang ku perlu
Ketika satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, pintu yang lain terbuka
tetapi sering kali kita terpaku terlalu lama pada pintu
yang tertutup sehingga tidak melihat pintu
yang di bukakan bagi kita

orang orang yang paling berbahagiapun tidak selalu memiliki
hal hal terbaik, mereka hanya berusaha menjadikan
yang terbaik dari setiap hal yang
hadir dalam hidupnya.

mungkin Allah menginginkan kita bertemu dengan beberapa
orang yang salah sebelum bertemu dengan orang
yang tepat, kita harus mengerti bagaimana
berterima kasih atas karuniaNya.

Waktu kamu lahir, kamu menangis dan orang orang di sekeliling'
kamu tersenyum, jalanilah hidupmu sehingga pada
waktu kamu meninggal, kamu tersenyum dan
orang orang di sekelilingmu menangis.


Jika kamu memancing ikan.....
Setelah ikan itu terikat di mata kail, hendaklah kamu mengambil
Ikan itu.....
Janganlah sesekali kamu lepaskan ia semula ke dalam air begitu
Karena ia akan sakit oleh karena bisanya ketajaman mata kailmu dan
mungkin ia akan menderita selagi ia masih hidup.
Begitulah juga setelah kamu memberi banyak pengharapan kepada
seseorang... .
Setelah ia mulai menyayangimu hendaklah kamu menjaga hatinya.....
Janganlah sesekali kamu meninggalkannya begitu saja......
Karena ia akan terluka oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin tidak
dapat melupakan segalanya selagi dia mengingat... ..

Jika kamu menadah air biarlah berpada, jangan terlalu mengharap pada
takungannya dan janganlah menganggap ia begitu teguh......cukuplah
sekadar keperluanmu. ......
Apabila sekali ia retak tentu sukar untuk kamu menambalnya
Akhirnya ia dibuang..... .
Sedangkan jika kamu coba memperbaikinya mungkin ia masih dapat
dipergunakan lagi.....
Begitu juga jika kamu memiliki seseorang, terimalah seadanya.... .
Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan janganlah kamu
menganggapnya Begitu istimewa.... .
Anggaplah ia manusia biasa.
Apabila sekali ia melakukan kesilapan bukan mudah bagi kamu untuk
menerimanya. Akhirnya kamu kecewa dan meninggalkannya.
Sedangkan jika kamu memaafkannya boleh jadi hubungan kamu akan
terus Hingga ke akhirnya.... .

Jika kamu telah memiliki sepinggan nasi yang pasti baik untuk dirimu.
Mengenyangkan. Berkhasiat. Mengapa kamu berlengah, coba mencari makanan
yang lain....
Terlalu ingin mengejar kelezatan. Kelak, nasi itu akan basi dan
kamu tidak boleh memakannya. kamu akan menyesal.

Begitu juga jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang insan yang membawa
kebaikan kepada dirimu. Menyayangimu. Mengasihimu. Mengapa kamu
berlengah, coba bandingkannya dengan yang lain. Terlalu mengejar
kesempurnaan. Kelak, kamu akan kehilangannya; apabila dia menjadi milik
orang Lain kamu juga akan menyesal.